Ready For IT 2025 | Round Table The ‘big leap’ for ETIs: why now?

The ‘big leap’ for ETIs: why now?

Tuesday 20th May

In 2025, the challenges facing the CIOs of French ETIs will rise to a higher level, in terms of technology, governance and obligations. They are also exposed to many grey areas that need to be understood and explored. This launch conference offers an overview of the digital state of the art in the SME market, based on an exclusive study carried out by PAC.

Moderator: Éric Domage, Analyst - Cybersecurity, PAC France

  • Arnaud Philippe, Director of the Quality & Security Department, Data Protection Delegate - Médiamétrie
  • Julien Villecroze, CIO in the insurance sector



Ready For IT 2025 | Round Table The ‘big leap’ for ETIs: towards greater efficiency

The ‘big leap’ for ETIs: towards greater efficiency

Tuesday 20th May

The idea of the CIO managing an IT infrastructure is long gone. They are taking on more and more responsibility: their mission is clearly identified as a source of value production for the organisation, and no longer just as a cost-cutting player. Between product development, process optimisation and improving the customer experience, the CIO is a real business partner!

Moderator: Véronique Loquet, Cybersecurity expert

Ready For IT 2025 | Round Table The “big leap” for ETIs: towards greater agility!

The ‘big leap’ for ETIs: towards greater agility!

Tuesday 20th May

Digital transition and security - faster, now... that's the reality for IT Departments, who are under constant pressure to adapt. This is a phenomenon that is seeing the implementation of agile methods and, at the same time, the need to think in terms of scaling up. An agility that can only exist thanks to constant monitoring of trends and long-term anticipation, demonstrating their ability to adapt to changes in the market.

Moderator: Mélanie Bénard-Crozat, Editor-in-Chief, S&D Magazine and Impact for the future

  • Frédéric Charles, Head of Digital Strategy & Innovation - Suez Smart Solutions
Ready For IT 2025 | Round Table Preparing for the ‘big leap’: through governance

Preparing for the ‘big leap’: through governance

Wednesday 21th May 

What role should the CIO play within the company's management team? How should it be governed? What is the best strategy for managing budgets? What are the areas of arbitration?

Moderator: Mélanie Bénard-Crozat, Editor-in-Chief, S&D Magazine and Impact for the future

  • Géraldine Dequeker, Lead of Group Governance, Risks & Controls - Française des Jeux
  • Thierry Salon, Head of Cybersecurity & Infrastructure - AFP
  • Marie Ait-Daoud, Green IT Manager - Vinci
Ready For IT 2025 | Round table Preparing for the ‘big leap’: through technology

Preparing for the ‘big leap’: through technology

Wednesday 21th May

How can AI contribute to value creation? After the test phases, GenAI's expectations are becoming increasingly pressing and concrete: AI must be able to demonstrate its ability to improve productivity and competitiveness, and even create new business opportunities.

Moderator: Éric Domage, Analyst - Cybersecurity, PAC France

Ready For IT 2025 | Round table Preparing for the ‘big leap’: with talent

Preparing for the ‘big leap’: with talent

Wednesday 21th May

The talent of the CIO and that of his or her teams, who are developing their skills.
The talent of employees who can take on more responsibility.
The talent of those who will be joining us, the talents of tomorrow!

Moderator: Véronique Loquet, Cybersecurity expert

  • Sylvain Despas, CIO - Comexposium