RFIT | Institutional partner Campus Cyber Région Sud - Euromed

Campus Cyber Région Sud - Euromed

The Euromed Cyber Campus is the totem pole dedicated to cybersecurity in Marseille. The Campus is open to all businesses and local authorities, enabling you to address your cyber challenges and benefit from the resources and skilled talent needed to secure your data and infrastructure. The Euromed Cyber Campus / Southern Region is much more than just a place - it's a space for collaboration, innovation and protection, where public, private, academic and start-up players come together to contribute to the performance, confidence, resilience and inclusiveness of digital technology in the region and for the benefit of the region.
Ready For IT | Institutional partner Cefcys


The CEFCYS (CErcle des Femmes de la CYberSécurité) is an association under the law of 1901 whose main objective is to promote and advance the presence and leadership of women in cybersecurity-related professions.
Ready For IT, CESIN institutional partners


Club des Experts de la Sécurité de l'Information et du Numérique. A club bringing together cybersecurity managers from companies in all business sectors and from government departments, with the main aim of contributing collectively to the growing maturity of organisations in cybersecurity.
Ready For IT, CIP institutionnal partners

CIP - Club Informatique Provence Méditerranée

The Club Informatique Provence Paca brings together "DSIs" and "Partners" in a spirit of mutual support and conviviality. Thanks to its reputation, the events it organises in the region and the quality of its IT activities, the CIP is the place where all CIOs can exchange ideas and receive training in complete independence, and the main vector of communication for all service providers.
Ready For IT, CLUSIF institutionnal partners


Clusif is an association of French experts in information systems security and cybersecurity. It offers its members a forum for exchanging ideas and meeting to promote effective information systems security, based around two colleges of experts: Security Solution Providers and Users from all sectors of the economy.
Ready For IT | Institutional partner CLUSIR Nord de France

CLUSIR Nord de France

CLUSIR Nord de France is a club for discussing and exchanging best practice, raising awareness, meeting people and helping to improve digital security.
Ready For IT, COTER Numérique institutionnal partners

Coter Numérique

CoTer Numérique is an association of French local and regional authorities that deals with issues relating to digital technology and information systems.
Ready For IT | Institutional partner Women4cyber


Women4Cyber is a private European not-for-profit foundation whose aim is to promote, encourage and support the participation of women in the field of cybersecurity.
Ready For IT, XV DSI institutionnal partners


XV DSI is a community of CIOs and CIOs, driven by the values of rugby in the service of responsible digital transformation. Each year, the community gathers around inspirational speakers, rugby and sports personalities and business leaders who share the same sporting and management values.